As part of Government Social Interventions Programmes in the country to improve standard of living of the poor and venerable in our society, Kintampo Municipality Assembly stated sensitization on Productive Inclusive (PI) of Ghana Productive Safety Net Project 2 (GPSNP 2) a new Flat ship progamme in some selected LEAP communities in the Municipality.
The programme seeks to achieve, expand and enhance social safety nets that improve the income and productivity of the poor in Ghana, focus being to build on flagship programs of the Government to enhance their effectiveness e.g. LEAP, LIPW, PI and GSFP.
Its objective is to expand productive inclusion (PI) support for poor households that is LEAP household and LIPW beneficiaries in targeted communities.
Specifically, the component is intended to assist target beneficiaries to establish and manage their own micro enterprise/investment through the complementary livelihood and assets support scheme (CLASS) and increase agriculture productivity that will guarantee sustainable income.
The PI component is designed as a graduation pathway within Ghana social protection landscape (system) to assist extreme poor household to work their way out of poverty.