Kintampo Municipal Health Directorate has held its 2023 Annual Performance review to reflect on their achievements and challenges over the past year of 2023 under review.

The Programme which was held at the Kintampo Municipal Health Research Centre under the theme “Building Resilient Structures for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Quality; the role of Network of (NOP) and Partners,” saw a very explicit attendance of all stakeholders who came to grace this very important programme.
As one of the stakeholders stated, “It is the Christmas Day for the Municipal Health Directorate”.
The Municipal Director for Health Kintampo Dr. Alfred Kojo Ampofo, in his address mentioned if the theme of the year is to work or acted on, there should be resilience within the healthcare systems in the Municipality and addressing challenges effectively by pivotal role of networking of practice and partnership in achieving objectives.
Again a collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals, organizations, and stakeholders in the Municipality for an essential strengthening health systems, sharing best practices, and driving innovations to enhance the quality and accessibility of healthcare service in the Kintampo Municipal health sector.
Dr. Ampofo said, despite achieving a stagnated maternal mortality rate is commendable, their ultimate goal is to attain zero maternal death by 2024 with a collective efforts of every individual emphasizing importance of unity and collaboration in our pursuit of safeguarding the lives of mothers and ensuring their well-being for which the municipality is seeing much improvement every year.
He added that, all this amidst accomplishments, they are confronted with challenges, which needs agent attention; inadequate availability of motorbikes and reluctance of healthcare workers to accept posting to hard – to – reach areas in the Municipality which is hindering their ability to diver healthcare services effectively to all corners of the Kintampo Municipality.
“Therefore, it is imperative that we come together today to discuss solutions and chart a way forward and addressing these challenges head-on, we can ensure that every member of our community has access to the quality healthcare they deserve”. He ended by saying “whole is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Let’s work together as partners to draw on the synergies” he concluded.
Pru West District of Bono East Region was the district who came to assess Kintampo North Municipal Health Directorate in the holistic assessment in powerpoint presentation.
By their indication, Kintampo municipal overall performance was 3.8 (Green in the ranking) out of the three (3) objectives which was good but needed to improve in some areas and indicators.
The closing remarks of the Representative from Regional Health Directorate, Bono East made more emphasis on the issue of staff not accepting posting to our communities which is becoming unbearable.
“Anytime a staff member coming from a different Region is asking to be posted to Kintampo Township or Techiman town making it look like Bono East is only this two pleases with the support from some political influence” this must stop. She stated.
Some stakeholders suggested that staff in the hard-to- reach areas should be given some incentives to motivate them, such as free accommodation, motorbikes, and allowances and so on.
The Chairman for the Programme and the Chairman for the Municipal Health Committee Nana Effah Guakro III promised to support and to appeal to some stakeholders to come to our need by helping improve the lives of staff accepting posting to the hard-to-rich communities in the Kintampo North Municipality.