The Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development as part of their mandate in the 1992 Constitution (Chapter 20) and the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936) designate Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) as the highest political, administrative, and executive authorities at the district level.
In addition, Section 12 of the Local Governance Act outlines a District Assembly’s functions, which include “promote local economic development”. Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs), among other functions stated in the Act, have a responsibility to;
a) formulate and execute plans, programmes, and development of appropriate strategies for the effective mobilization of resources for local development.
b) Promote and support productive activities and social development and remove all obstacles to local development.
c) monitor the execution of all development projects under approved development plans as well as assess and evaluate their impacts on the standard of living of residents in their areas of
jurisdiction These provisions make it imperative for MMDAs to work with sector departments and agencies, Development Partners (DPs), the private sector and relevant local groups and associations consciously to promote LED and improve income levels of the people.
The National Decentralization Policy and Strategy (2020-2024) forms the cornerstone of our approach, defining LED as the catalyst for citizen participation in entrepreneurial ventures. At its core, the policy seeks to promote micro, small, and medium enterprises, generating sustainable employment opportunities and fostering an environment conducive for business growth. With an emphasis on improving the quality of life, particularly for women, youth, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and other marginalized groups, the policy aims to fortify the economic.
capacity of local economies. The institute of local government Organized a Two days Training program for all Assembly members nationwide and Kintampo Municipality was no exception. This training enlighten honorable members on; Policy formulation process, Situation Analysis, Key policy issues, legal context, National flagship initiations, Vision, policy goals, policy objectives, Core values, Guiding principles, How to ensure effective LED multi-stakeholder coordination at all levels, Strengthen capacities at district assembly level for effective LED governance, Improve access to administrative and targeted focal incentives and so on.
All the Sixty three Assembly men from the Municipality attended and according the facilitators, Certificate would be given the each member for participating in the Two (2) days capacity training.